From a Parent:

"In no particular order: small size; incredibly talented and committed faculty and staff; at Four Rivers people "walk the walk"--the values are put into action; there's a very high level of integrity, honesty, listening, and thoughtful and meaningful actions taken to reach goals, and not just to solve problems but to prevent problems; refreshingly little "politics," we couldn't ask for better role models for our kids; so much is accomplished on a relatively small budget--sets a wonderful example; the school philosophy; expeditionary learning, the commitment to the community; and so on!!!"

Learning Expeditions: These challenging, interdisciplinary, real-world projects engage students in actively applying their knowledge and skills in ways that serve both their learning and their community. Through learning expeditions, students work on core academic standards, critical thinking and literacy skills, and craftsmanship while creating authentic products that are useful or necessary to others.